Hotel in Canada

Siwash Lake Ranch







Siwash Lake Wilderness Resort is a place of adventure and activities. Within the private hideaway of Siwash Lake, the resort is a National Geographic luxury guest ranch offering outdoor adventures in western Canada. The intent of Siwash Lake Wilderness Resort is to reconnect guests with nature within 10,000 acres of untamed wilderness. The resort activities are privately guided and work to incorporate adventure and education through customised itineraries. Allowing guests to feel refreshed and reconnected, travellers can climb on the back of a horse and ride for hours while exploring the land and rugged nature. In addition, Siwash Lake Wilderness Resort offers activities and adventures such as fly fishing, marksmanship, archery, waterfall hikes, helicopter safaris, and a myriad of other more leisurely pursuits. Any type of adventurer will be able to find an activity that suits their needs and desires.

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